Washington State Funeral Directors Association
The Washington State Funeral Directors Association (WSFDA) history began in 1901 by several pioneers of the industry who gathered on several occasions and from which this present Association eventually started.
The first official meeting was called by the State Board of health for the purpose of having the Funeral Directors take an examination for licensed embalmers. This meeting was held in Tacoma at which time the present Association was formed and committees appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws. The officers elected were E. R. Butterworth of Seattle, President; Alex Turnbull of Spokane, 1st vice president; J. F. Jerread of Everett, 2nd vice-president; H. L. Mead of Centralia, secretary; C. L. Hoska of Tacoma, treasurer.
Today the association's membership is comprised of funeral homes, funeral directors and suppliers of the death care industry. We believe that a cohesive group can accomplish more than any one single member could do alone. This concept is especially true in areas of extreme importance, like government relations, advocacy with regulatory agencies, and lobbying. This "unified voice" through WSFDA lobbyist, volunteers, and staff is consistently before the Washington Legislature, protecting your interests as a Washington funeral service professional.
The mission of the Washington State Funeral Directors Association is to be acknowledged by our members as being of high value and essential to their success.
Contact Us
Washington State Funeral Directors Association
2115 S 56th St #105
Tacoma WA 98409
Tel: 253 588-7111
Fax: 253 588-7444
Jewell Steffensen - Executive Secretary
Joan LaReva - Administrative Assistant
