Washington Cemetery & Funeral Association
What is the WCFA?
The WCFA is a non-profit trade association dedicated to educating all members of the death care profession in sound, compasssionate and ethical service to our communities in Washington State.
November update (important)
New WCFA website coming soon!!!
The site you're looking at now is an interim step in the evolution of the WCFA web presence.
The WCFA is progressing with a project that will move its website to a new design (and host) that is anticipated to make the site more useful, as well as more responsive to organizational and membership needs.
Please stay tuned for developments!
Contact information
Judy K. Faaberg
Executive Director
Washington Cemetery & Funeral Association
13000 Admiralty Way J103
Everett WA 98204
Tel/Fax: 360 668-2120; 888 522-7637
E-mail: info@wcfa.us